I will start filling my own cup...

I love the season of valentine's ❤️ Yes, it may be a Hallmark holiday intended to keep me shopping after the holiday season slump AND it gives me life because I love sparkles, hearts, cheetah print, and fruit filled varieties of dark chocolate, all of which I can find at my local CVS. The burst of pink and red hearts is the pop of joy I need in what can be a very dark and cold time of year. And with the prophetic groundhog predicting an early spring, it is also a reminder that, while I love and care for others deeply, this season is also for me and I can start my spring awakening by

filling my own cup,

Being my own muse,

Knowing my own worth,

Loving my own skin,

Praising my own existence,

Validating my own journey,

Speaking my own truth,

Admiring my own reflection,

Experiencing my own love,

Enjoying my own company,

Extending my own energy,

Creating my own paradise.

These acts are not selfish, but self-first, and support the practice of self-LOVE. And when this practice falters, the below loving kindness meditation helps me get re-grounded and centered in my highest intention for myself...I hope you enjoy ❤️

Loving Kindness Meditation 

You, of all beings, are most deserving of your love, your kindness, and your care. When we begin to truly love ourselves, we can begin to truly love others. We can begin to view others and the world through our love.

Bring your awareness to the physical sensations in your body.

Move your awareness to your breath.

Move your awareness to your your heart center.

Imagine you are breathing in and out of your heart.

Staying focused on your breath and heart center, begin repeating these words silently to yourself:

May I be filled with loving kindness

May I be healthy

May I be safe, peaceful and at ease

May I be truly happy and free

(repeat three times)

Now, bring your awareness to someone in your life who has truly cared about or for you. Picture them at your heart center.

Staying focused on your breath and heart center, begin repeating these words silently to this person:

May you be filled with loving kindness

May you be healthy

May you be safe, peaceful and at ease

May you be truly happy and free

(repeat three times)

Now, bring your awareness to someone in your life with whom you have a difficult relationship with. Picture them in front of you.

Staying focused on your breath and heart center, begin repeating these words silently to this person:

May you be filled with loving kindness

May you be healthy

May you be safe, peaceful and at ease

May you be truly happy and free

(repeat three times)

Staying focused on your breath and heart center, repeat after me out loud:

May I be filled with loving kindness

May I be healthy

May I be safe, peaceful and at ease

May I be truly happy and free

(repeat three times)

Thank you for being you and all you do, Anjali Power Yoga is here because of each and every one of you and we are forever grateful and love you all very much ❤️

with gratitude,

Lucia (she/her/hers)
