you are enough ❤️

Yet the structures and communities you live in might have you feeling like you are lacking, broken, and/or that there is something “wrong” with you. Life can be hard, and it can make us hard. Hard on ourselves, hard on the people we love, and hard on the people we interact with.

But the truth is, you are whole and complete, with nothing lacking and nothing broken. And when we start viewing ourselves in every part of our life as enough, as whole and complete, as we are doing the best we can with what we have and know, we start to create possibility in our lives.

Looking at the world from a possibility frame is about being in our yoga practice, our relationships, our businesses with a mindset of what is possible as opposed to what I or others are doing "wrong" or lacking in. It isn't easy, but it can be simple.

The next time you are in an asana pose, meditation, or journaling and the thought of "I'm doing this wrong," "others are better than me," "I shouldn't be here," or any other thought you may have in the realm of lack and not good enough, I invite you to stop, take a breath, tell yourself you are enough, and start might be surprised and how this little shift in thought can make a big difference in your life ❤️

Thank you for being you ❤️

with gratitude,

Lucia (she/her/hers)
