Self-Care for the Winter Blues πŸ’™

Self-care is important ALL year and there is something about the winter and holiday season that make our commitment to our care even more important, and yet more difficult. Longer nights, shorter days, and extra commitments can disrupt our routine and commitment to the little and big things that set us up for success and keep us inspired. That is why this season we are offering so many opportunities for you to stay committed and inspired by your practices and your care πŸ’™ This starts with a complimentary workshop on self-care, some fun arm balancing workshops, TWO opportunities to celebrate the Winter Solstice, and ending with a workshop to give love to your hips and hamstrings...

Complimentary Workshop: Self-Care for the Winter Blues with Lucia Cucinotta

Tuesday November 28th 12-1pm

This workshop is virtual and held via Zoom

Learn how Ayurvedic self-care practices can help you beat the winter blues. In this interactive workshop, Lucia will lay down the Ayurvedic framework and self-care practices that can support you in developing a realistic daily routine that sets you up for success for the darkest and coldest time of year.

People with the winter blues, sometimes knowns as seasonal depression, experience mood changes during the fall and winter months, with the most difficult months for people being January and February. The winter blues have been linked to a biochemical imbalance caused by shorter days and less intense sunlight. As seasons change, people experience a shift in their internal clock that can cause them to be out of step with their daily schedule and flow of their life. 

In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means β€œThe Science of Life” and teaches us that we each have a specific elemental makeup that is unique. We are perfect in our own way and suffering occurs when we forget this important truth. Ayurveda is considered by many scholars to be one of the oldest healing science and is the sister science of Yoga. Ayurvedic knowledge originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and many of the healing systems familiar in the West have their roots in Ayurveda.

This workshops is held via Zoom and you will receive the link upon registration. Session will be recorded and shared with registered participants after the session. 

Our first workshop in December is an intro to arm balances, spend your Friday nights at Anjali exploring what is possible πŸ’™

Friday Night Flights - Intro to Arm Balances with Lisa Horoff

Friday December 1st - 7:15-8:15pm - $25

Interested in mastering arm balances and inversions? Eager to delve deeper into these poses but uncertain where to begin? In this workshop, we will explore the mechanics, address queries, and practice these poses in a non-judgmental, secure environment. The workshop aims to simplify various inversions and arm balances breaking them down to their fundamental forms, from the ground up, to enhance your comprehension.

All levels are welcome to come and take flight!

We will be diving down of

  • Biomechanics

  • Shoulder mobility

  • Thoracic spine mobility

  • Core engagement

Don't miss this opportunity to learn and experiment in the Intro to Arm Balances + Inversions workshop!

More of our December offerings are listed below! Check them out and sign up asap as some have limited spaces πŸ’™

Thank you for being you and all that you do, I am forever grateful for you, this studio, and this powerful community, we wouldn't be here without you πŸ’™

with gratitude,

Lucia (she/her/hers)
