We are GrateFULL for YOU ❤️ because Anjali Power Yoga would not be here without you, your commitment to your practice, and you SHARING your love of Anjali with the people you know and love ❤️

Because of how grateful we are of you, we have a jammed pack month of November with our Month of Gratitude, Gratitude 5 Class Card Special for $50, AND a COMPLIMENTARY workshop on Self-Care for the Winter Blues...and just wait until you see what we have planned for December! Think lights, arm balances, snowflakes, and winter solstice celebrations ❤️


Gratitude 5 Class Card Special $50 is BACK

on sale through the ONLINE store ONLY from November 22nd-25th


We are still in our Month of Gratitude (November)

For the month of November Share your LOVE of Anjali with a friend!

Anjali Members - Can bring UNLIMITED FREE Friends for the month of November

***does not count towards your 3 guests a year***

10 Class Card Holders - Can Bring 10 FREE Friends for the month of November

*You must attend class with your guest*

*Does not include Little Pretzel/Teen Classes, Workshops, or Donation Classes*


Thanksgiving Day Schedule - Thursday November 23rd

9:30am In Studio Gratitude Vinyasa Flow Donation Class with Alison Griffin

This donation based class is Anjali's way of showing gratitude to this amazing community. In this class you will gain access to your power, vitality, and freedom through the practices of physical presence and flow while celebrating ways we can live in gratitude! All are welcome!

All donations will go towards Anjali Power Yoga's participation in the Haddon Township PRIDE Parade and Events and goal to become a GOLD Sponsor! 

***no 6pm or 7:30pm class on Wednesday November 22nd***


Complimentary Workshop: Self-Care for the Winter Blues

with Lucia

Tuesday November 28th 12-1pm

This workshop is virtual and held via Zoom

Learn how Ayurvedic self-care practices can help you beat the winter blues. In this interactive workshop, Lucia will lay down the Ayurvedic framework and self-care practices that can support you in developing a realistic daily routine that sets you up for success for the darkest and coldest time of year.

People with the winter blues, sometimes knowns as seasonal depression, experience mood changes during the fall and winter months, with the most difficult months for people being January and February. The winter blues have been linked to a biochemical imbalance caused by shorter days and less intense sunlight. As seasons change, people experience a shift in their internal clock that can cause them to be out of step with their daily schedule and flow of their life. 

In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means “The Science of Life” and teaches us that we each have a specific elemental makeup that is unique. We are perfect in our own way and suffering occurs when we forget this important truth. Ayurveda is considered by many scholars to be one of the oldest healing science and is the sister science of Yoga. Ayurvedic knowledge originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and many of the healing systems familiar in the West have their roots in Ayurveda.

This workshops is held via Zoom and you will receive the link upon registration. Session will be recorded and shared with registered participants after the session. 


Thank you for being you and all that you do, I am forever grateful for you, this studio, and this powerful community, we wouldn't be here without you ❤️

with gratitude

Lucia (she/her/hers)
