It's cold outside and warm at Anjali ❤️

The lights are up! The humidifiers are out! While it is colder and darker outside, it is warm and bright at Anjali ❤️ I am excited to announce some amazing workshops this month to keep you moving, motivated, and connected to community and your SELF ❤️


Uncovering YOUR Fullest Expression with Lisa Horoff

Saturday December 9th - 12-1:15pm - $30

This monthly class will be addressing your questions around the body. We all live in different physical structures and we should be honoring them as they are, perfectly imperfect. The more body awareness we have around the poses and our breath, the more we can sink into them or know when enough is enough. The story is being written while you are on the mat.

This class is to help you honor, learn and trust your body in YOUR body's fullest expression.

We will be discussing

  • Alignment of the poses and how to keep your body safe

  • What tools we could use for fullest expression

  • What may be holding you back

  • The Inter-Relations of your Core strength & True North within JIP The Importance of mobility of the Shoulder & Hips within JIP

  • Foundations of Arm Balances and Inversions Practice

Come with questions, ideas, what are you working on? This will be a chance for open discussion on what you are struggling with or confused about within your practice.


Winter Solstice: 108 Sun Salutations

with Lisa Horoff

Thursday December 21 - 2-4pm - $25

Happy Winter Solstice! Let the days become lighter and lighter!

The Winter Solstice, the longest day of darkness and the changing of the seasons, marks the end of the shortest, darkest days and the beginning of new light, life, and opportunities. Around this time, yoga really takes on a new life. 108 Sun Salutations is one way that yogis celebrate the change of a brighter sky.

The physical practice is like a mini yoga marathon that puts to the test your physical and mental endurance. Your mind may come up with a lot of reasons you can’t do it, can you put those thought fluctuations to the side? Can you instead focus on here and now, being present, and adapting as needed? It is a cleansing and purifying process of body, mind, and spirit. There’s a tremendous power in the process, even if you do not fully complete it.

Possibilities are endless….We complete 9 sets of 12 Sun Salutations, alternating directions with each set (East, West, North, South) In the sequence of completing 5 sets of A and 4 sets of Sun B= 9 sets. You will complete this 12 times. We will discuss the safety of a vigorous practice and how we can change the salutation to meet your needs. Using intentions, mudras, affirmations to move you forward into your practice.

You’re stronger than you think! Everyone & Anyone welcome!


Winter Solstice Yoga Nidra + Reiki

with Colleen Seng

Thursday, December 21 - 8-9pm - $30

Join Colleen Seng and Reiki Master Christi Tedeschi for an evening dedicated to stillness and relaxation in honor of the longest night of the year. Restore with Yoga Nidra - a guided meditation where you deeply rest and float in the space between awake and sleep - while receiving the hands free healing and energy balancing effects of Reiki. 


Diffused Relaxing Essential Oils

Enter to Win a local Gift from Meraki Market

Homemade Sweet Treats

The Winter Solstice is an invitation to go inwards, tap into our inner light, and prepare our bodies and minds for the upcoming season. Join Colleen Seng and Reiki Master Christi Tedeschi for an evening dedicated to stillness and relaxation in honor of the longest night of the year. Restore with Yoga Nidra - a guided meditation where you deeply rest and float in the space between awake and sleep - while receiving the healing and energy balancing effects of Reiki.


Healthy Hips & Hamstrings for Happy Bodies Workshop

With Lisa Horoff

Saturday December 30th - 11am-12:30pm - $25

Improve your biomechanics so you can keep doing the things you love! This is the perfect way to prime you body for walking, running or yoga & keep your hips & back healthy & happy.

You will be able to leave knowing basic effective moves that you can incorporate on & off your mat for everyday better movement & sleep. All levels welcome!

In this workshop we will be working on

  • Unlock and strengthening your hip flexors & hamstrings

  • Strengthen your glutes

  • Release your inner & outer hips


Thank you for being you and all that you do, I am forever grateful for you, this studio, and this powerful community, we wouldn't be here without you ❤️

with gratitude,

Lucia (she/her/hers)
