Uncovering your fullest expression TODAY 💙

Sending out the newsletter early to remind everyone of the amazing workshop we have happening TODAY with Lisa! There are only a few spaces left so I want to be sure you know and can get a spot 💙

Uncovering YOUR Fullest Expression with Lisa Horoff

TODAY Saturday November 11th 12-1:15pm

This monthly class will be addressing your questions around the body. We all live in different physical structures and we should be honoring them as they are, perfectly imperfect. The more body awareness we have around the poses and our breath, the more we can sink into them or know when enough is enough. The story is being written while you are on the mat.

This class is to help you honor, learn and trust your body in YOUR body's fullest expression.

You will be discussing

  • Alignment of the poses and how to keep your body safe

  • What tools we could use for fullest expression

  • What may be holding you back

  • The Inter-Relations of your Core strength & True North within JIP The Importance of mobility of the Shoulder & Hips within JIP

  • Foundations of Arm Balances and Inversions Practice

Come with questions, ideas, what are you working on?

This will be a chance for open discussion on what you are struggling with or confused about within your practice.

Thank you for being you and all that you do, I am forever grateful for you, this studio, and this powerful community, we wouldn't be here without you 💙

with gratitude,

Lucia (she/her/hers)
