What if the best is yet to come?

Close your eyes or soften your gaze

Funnel your awareness down your arms, through your elbows, down your forearms, into your hands (pause)

Keep your awareness in your hands - your palms, your thumbs, your first fingers, second fingers, third fingers, and your baby fingers. Shift your focus from one finger to another as a method of anchoring and centering you here (pause)

Keep your attention on your hands as a bridge from your awareness to your body as an anchor to the now here moment - if at any time you notice yourself drifting off into thinking (pause) if your mind wanders, simply bring your attention back to your hands (pause)

As you hold your attention on your hands, notice if they tingle - where your awareness goes, energy flows (pause)

Your hands are a grounding point for you consciousness in the here and now. As thoughts come up - just notice them and let them flow, let them come up and let them flow...put your attention on your hands and let your thoughts come up and let them flow (pause)

Experience the power of reconnecting to your hands and beginning again...moment by moment by moment (pause)...keep your attention on your hands and be newly anchored in the now here moment and newly available to the moment.

Now bring your hands to anjali mudra at your heart center, take a deep breath in, and exhale let it flow...

Thank you for being you and all you do, Anjali Power Yoga is here because of each and every one of you and we are forever grateful ❤️

with gratitude,

Lucia (she/her/hers)
